
Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB), as Trustee of the R48 Reserve (Lot 90 on SP237661) (Trust Land) proposes to adopt the following by-laws:

1. Trust Land Protection and Use Model By-law 2009
The purpose of this model by-law is to protect the Trust Land, including buildings on the land, and to regulate the use of the Trust Land. This by-law regulates the lighting of fires, damaging of property, access to closed areas, camping, selling of things, littering, use of vehicles and control of animals on the Trust Land.

2. Trust Land Consumption of Liquor Model By-law 2009
The purpose of this model by-law is to regulate the use of the Trust Land for the consumption of liquor. This by-law regulates the designation and approval of places within the Trust Land for the consumption of liquor.

MIWB invites written submissions supporting or objecting to the adoption of these by-laws during the consultation period: 20 January 2016 to 22 February 2016. Submissions may be delivered to:

Mount Isa Water Board
PO Box 1712
Mount Isa QLD 4825

Or electronically to

Email: [email protected]

A copy of the model by-laws may be inspected or acquired at no cost on or before the last day of the consultation period during business hours at the MIWB Office (located at 31 Carbonate St (corner of Barkly Hwy)) or online at