The Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) gives the public a right of access to documents held by government agencies. MIWB proactively makes information available to the public through this website and various other communication channels. We also endeavour to keep this information relevant to the public and up to date. MIWB operates both commercially and in the public interest. As a result, we must balance our obligation to protect commercial-in-confidence information while at the same time providing information to the public about our commercial operations.
View more about Right to Information
Under the Right to Information Act 2009, members of the public have a right to apply for access to, or copies of, documents held by MIWB. MIWB’s disclosure log is available here. To request information, contact MIWB Right to Information Coordinator on telephone 07 4740 1000, facsimile 07 4740 1099 or email
External Contact
Office of Information Commission Website: